Monday, April 4, 2011


Adam got a new counting book from Grandpa and Grandma. Adam loves to count and can go up to 20 (most of the teens sound the same, though). His language in general has really exploded in the last couple of weeks. He says his ABCs and has learned several animal and vehicle sounds as well.
Adam and Daddy made up this new game. It's a great workout for Daddy and lots of fun for Adam. Adam continues to love basketball and knows the difference between "shooting" and "dunking." He's actually pretty good.

Here is our newest member with her daddy. This is hilarious to me. She LOVES the sound of her daddy's deep voice. In this photo, Phil is singing the song that the Wicked Witch of the West's guards sing as they march into the castle. Oh wee oh - wee OhhhhOh. Hopefully I typed that right! Clara is absolutely captivated.


Krista and David Hart said...

I love the look on Clara's face... precious!

Every Day Gourmet said...

Precious! Love the pictures of Clara and Phil. I can't believe how big Adam is getting. He is such a handsome boy.