Friday, May 21, 2010

Frying Pan Farm Park

Adam and I have been doing some exploring. Frying Pan Farm is a real working farm just a few minutes from our house, so it's a nice destination for us during the week. This was his reaction a few days ago when I told him we were going to visit a farm...

It wasn't crowded at all, so I was able to let Adam roam free and choose what he wanted to see. He loved being able to run around!
He stopped to say hello to the sheep and cows.

But, his favorite animals were the chickens. We revisited their coop several times.

Adam has really gotten into trucks and diggers lately, so I wasn't at all surprised when he wanted to get a closer look at this.

I'll see YOU at Thanksgiving...
We only stayed for about an hour this time - brilliant Mama chose the hottest day of the century to visit the farm! We were both super sweaty and ready for some cool down time with the water table at home.

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