Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hi! I'm three months old!

Clara is three months old! During this month she had her first ear infection (boo) and slept through the night for the first time (yay!). Hopefully the latter of those will become more frequent and the first not so much. Some other new developments are holding her head up at ninety degrees when on her tummy and her love of sucking on her hands.

I took this photo just a week ago thinking it would be her three-month photo. However, I feel like she has changed so much even in the past week that I had to take new photos. It's still worth sharing, though.

It's a little bright out here for me, but I love chillin' outside with my paci and watching my brother play with his water table.

Oh Mom, you are just so funny.

Lovin' life.

1 comment:

Krista and David Hart said...

so cute Dana! I cant believe how big she is already! Abigail has the same ducky sleeper :) What a precious smile!