Friday, January 7, 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

Once we got to the MN, our first stop was Grandpa and Grandma Swenson's house. Adam loved playing with Abby, the dog that is just his size, and taking baths in Grandma's giant bath tub.

He also got his very own custom made booster seat for eating his meal. The unabridged version, of course! Only a former English teacher would have a dictionary that big. It was perfect for Adam.

Peg and I were so excited about this plan: decorating cookies with Adam. What could go wrong??? Peg made the cookies while Adam napped (she even made fun shapes that Adam would like, ie: a dinosaur), and got all the frosting and sprinkles ready.

When the big moment came, however, all Adam wanted to do was eat the frosting.
We tried showing him what to do and how yummy the cookies were after you put the frosting on, but he wasn't buying it.

And, cookie decorating officially ended when I told him he couldn't eat any more frosting.

Nothing like a two-year-old to keep you humble and remind you that life doesn't always work out the way you planned it.

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