Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wowzers-Three Months Old!

Adam is three months old today! (February 26, that is.  It's posting this as the 25 since I started the post yesterday.)  He has had many new experiences and acquired some new skills that we want to share with you.

He has mastered lifting his head and has become such a happy baby.  His tummy troubles have pretty much subsided (he still farts up a storm, though, don't worry).  He had his follow up appointment yesterday and his surgery was a complete success and he is fully recovered!  He now has a very nice "iny" bellybutton.
The apple next to him is one of his favorite toys, and one that I played with when I was a baby.  I'm so glad my mom saved it for me, since I don't think they make them anymore.  It jingles when he bats it over and then turns itself upright again for more fun.  It's the first toy he really began interacting with.

He has become a bit of a drooler, but it's not too bad yet, and he doesn't seem too embarrassed by it.
He just started this a few days ago.  He's been able to bear weight for a while, but in the last couple of days, he's been able to do it for a lot longer and he really seems to enjoy it.  This is good, since he is preparing to be the ring bearer in Uncle Matty and Aunt Jessica's wedding!

Here is a little clip of him playing on his mat.  He has discovered his hands!  Up until this month, he would just bat around, but now he stares at his hand frequently and really concentrates on touching and grabbing his toys.  He's beginning to learn that he can actually do things and interact with his environment.

In other news:
1. At the doctor on Monday, he weighed 15 lbs. 2 oz. and was 25.25 inches long.  He is in the 94th percentile for both height and weight.  The doctor said he is "very nicely proportioned." 
2. He had his first cold last week and is still getting over it, but it hasn't been too bad for him.
3.  His favorite sound to make is "goo."
4.  He likes to sit in his bouncy chair on the kitchen table and listen to music while Phil and I eat dinner.
5. Phil sent me flowers yesterday just because.  This has nothing to do with Adam, but I just love my husband.


Janice said...

He is getting SOOOOO big! :) I can hardly wait for him to really be able to play with Molly. What a little cutie! We miss you guys!

Team IA-OK said...

Your son is so way cute and smiley! What a charmer!
Love Livvy