Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tummy Time = Fun Time

A lot of babies don't like tummy time, but Adam has never seemed to mind it.  Up until about a week ago, however, he was more interested in sucking on the mat or blanket than actually doing anything or looking around.  This week, we've made some big progress with lifting his head.  He also moves his legs like he wants to crawl.  He can't do that yet, but he does manage to nudge himself around a little bit.

You'll notice he's particularly interested in the orange cat.  It looks just like HIS orange cat...only nicer.

Look at that focus!


Shawna said...

Adam is so adorable! And growing so fast. I can tell he's going to be quite handsome. Better watch out for the ladies!

Love you guys,

Unknown said...

Dear Adam, STOP GROWING UNTIL I GET THERE!!!!! You are too cute and your smile is precious! I can't wait to blow kisses on your cheeks...something only grandma's can do! I love you very much and I can't wait to hold you in my arms again.
Love, Grandma Ann