Thursday, August 9, 2012

Kid Stuff

Just some random shots of the kids...

I thought this was a hoot.  Was shopping for dresses a couple months ago with the kids.  How typical...the guy so bored he falls asleep, the girl totally into it with dresses piled onto her lap.

Clara was having a great time.

Much to my delight, Clara loves saying cheese for the camera now.  She says, "deez!"
She has started saying a lot more words: hi, up, down, done, open, Adam, and tickle are some of her newest.

Still no walking for this eighteen month girl, but she keeps herself busy taking care of babies - real or pretend - she loves them!  She is very helpful in the daycare at the gym :)
She also loves to read books, pretend to cook, and do anything Adam is doing.  Adam will even let her play trains with him some times - as long as she is Rosie and he is all the other trains.

Adam just finished his summer school program today, so we have a few weeks off until we start back up in September.  He continues to develop and change at an encouraging rate and we've been having a blast.  He likes playing outside, especially in the water, playing with friends, painting, and of course, playing trains.  He's become very helpful at the grocery store and enjoys talking about favorite memories.  Recent topics of conversation include Grandma and Grandpa Swenson's recent visit, getting a Christmas tree, and meeting Curious George.  

This is the best I could get of them both looking at the camera.

I still can't believe this kid's smile.  Full of happiness and I love it.

Mmmmmm...chips and guacamole.  One of my favorites.

My boy and me :)

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