Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Heart Jodi!

My favorite author, Jodi Picoult, came to a bookstore near our house on March 13th, to promote her newest book, Handle with Care.  I saw her once before in California about a year ago.  

Here is a flashback moment to that day with my friend Jen, another huge fan of Jodi.  Look how excited we were! 

There were so many people there to see her!  She talked for a bit, read from her new book (it was good, I can't wait to read it), and then answered questions.  It's always so interesting to hear her talk about her characters and the research she does before writing a book.  
Susie was my partner in crime for this one.  She is a new fan of Jodi - yay!  Get this, my line number for getting my book autographed was...wait for it...#262!  So, we figured we had some time to kill while we waited for my turn, so we went to Caribou for a quick treat.  

We got back with plenty of time to chat before our big moment.  Here we are with Jodi after she signed my books (I bought the new one and also two others that I already had that hadn't been signed.)  Jodi is so friendly and chatty, very real and down to earth.  (Notice how I just call her Jodi, like we're old friends...which we are...)
I highly recommend her books.  They always make you think, but also touch your heart, a great combination.  Thanks Susie and Jodi for a wonderful night out!


Susie said...

we did wait for it, didn't we?

Unknown said...

This is really cool! I've only read My Sister's Keeper but it was really good. I saw the movie last week too! Oh and if you are wondering why I'm only now commenting on a March post it's because I'm a little behind on my Swenson Scene reading. : )

Love ya!