Sunday, January 18, 2009

What happens when Daddy goes to Babies R Us

Phil and Adam had a little car ride adventure to Babies R Us yesterday to take advantage of a great deal on diapers.  Now I used to think that only mommies were suckered into buying silly little outfits and other random impulse buys for their babies, but apparently I was wrong.  Phil returned with his objectives: diapers and wipes.....and this t-shirt.

It has a rocket on the front, but the back is the best part...
Blast Off!
Daddy's little rocket man.
Phil was totally pumped about his great find.

1 comment:

Susie said...

This is making me giggle- Andy came home from some nerdy rocket conference with two clothing items for the girls- one says Space Girl, and the other is a picture of a rocket. You gotta love 'em!