Monday, November 17, 2008


Hi everyone!  I wanted to give an update on the recent developments around here.  A few weeks ago, my blood pressure started to go up, which is pretty common, especially in first pregnancies.  I was tested for preeclampsia, but the test was negative (good!).  So, they are just calling it a mild dose of pregnancy induced hypertension.  Just to be safe, I have been going into the Dr. twice a week so that they can monitor the baby and my blood pressure (as opposed to the normal once a week Dr. appt.).  Baby has  been looking great and my blood pressure has been fine - still a bit on the high side, but nothing alarming.  

Although going in twice a week is a bit tedious, it is actually kind of fun to be able to hear his heart beating away and see his activity (and starting today, some mild contractions!) on the monitor.  I also get to have an ultrasound every week.  They are actually checking the fluid level, but whatever, I get to see the baby!  He's so big now that you can't really see much, but it's still good.   

Even though everything is just fine and baby is still kicking away in there, they want to induce my labor at 39 weeks if I haven't gone naturally by that time.  Apparently, research shows that babies don't do as well after that in moms that have high bp, so they induce to be safe.  

SO...I am scheduled to go into the hospital on the 25th of November to start the process.  I'm not too crazy about the idea of being induced, honestly, but I am crazy about the idea of the pregnancy being over and Baby being here in the world with us!  This week Phil and I are getting all the last minute things done and having lots of good chats about our baby and becoming parents.  Phil has been amazing, by the way, taking over many of the household tasks and making me yummy dinners!  

We'll keep everyone posted here.  We know a lot of you have been praying for us and the baby for a while now, and we are so thankful.  Please keep the prayers coming during the next week!   


Megan Lockridge said...

Wow Dana! I can't believe it's almost here. It seems like not very long ago we were in the old Outlet room hearing the good news for the first time. So you're going to have a Thanksgiving baby afterall... Well good luck and we'll be keeping you in our prayers, so keep us in the loop!

Janelle said...

That's big news and how exciting! I understand that feeling of being ready although I'm not quite there myself this time around. Glad to hear the doc's and hubby are taking such great care of you and the baby. We are excited to meet the little guy! Let me know if you need anything! Big hugs. J