Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Our Halloween kicked off a bit early with our friend Avery's FIRST birthday party. It was a costume party at Chick-fil-a and the kids all looked great.
This was our attempt to get a photo of all the kids. Ha, right!

At least this little butterfly was willing to hold still long enough for a photo with Mama.

The fun continued on Halloween night with trick-or-treating.
Monkey and Butterfly all ready to head out.

It was really fun because Adam really "got" trick-or-treating for the first time this year. He walked up to each house, said "Trick-or-Treat," and picked out his own candy to put in his pumpkin. Then it was off to the next house. Clara liked looking at all the decorations and costumes, and she earned her brother some extra candy at many of the houses.

Examining his loot. This year, Adam also discovered that he likes chocolate. Excellent.

I think it's safe to say that he likes Halloween.
Just for the sake of remembering, I need to tell you that according to Adam, he is a "Ski" and Clara is a "Buckyfwy."

Telling Daddy what it's like to be a butterfly.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Ah, D! they are so so cute! How do you manage not to kiss and cuddle all. day. long?! Love the costumes!