Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On the DL?

Adam must be a lot tougher than all those athletes that get put on the DL. I mean just look at him - and he is still truckin' along just fine.

Adam had his first Real tumble resulting in his first Real injury a couple of weeks ago. He was running, got tripped up and ended up planting his face into the TV stand. I was really worried at first, since it's so close to his eye, but thank God it was just a surface wound. It looks pretty cool, though, huh? I think this is day 2.

These pictures were taken on about day 4 or 5 I think. Some crazy colors on my boy's face.

"Come on, Mom, what's the big deal? I'm fine so stop taking pictures."

1 comment:

Jeff and Shana said...

Poor guy! BTW, he looks so handsome with his hair cut like that!