Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Leibrock's Visit OH

This weekend, my parents and sister came to visit us in Ohio.  We had a great time, but as always, it went way too quickly.  Mom and I spend a lot of time in Baby's room getting clothes washed and things in order, so the next post will give you a peek in there.  Here are some of the other activities (besides a lot of Wii played by Grace and my dad) that took place.  

Saturday was our main day of activity.  We went to the Airforce Museum first.  This museum is HUGE and there is way too much to see in one day.  We did our best, but will probably be going again the next time they come out.  The museum houses every piece of aircraft used by the Airforce...ever.  My favorite part is the WWII stuff.  

Here are Grace and my dad ready for take-off.  Unfortunately, as you can see, they forgot their flight gear, so their trip was cancelled...    

After that, we took them on a little driving tour of the base, and then came back home and had our pumpkin carving extravaganza!!!  Phil and I had our pumpkins from Young's Dairy Farm and we bought Grace a pumpkin so we could all carve together while she was here.  

Dad helped Grace cut her top out.
Please believe me when I say that there were some killer sound effects to go along with this shot of Phil scooping out the guts.  I tried to tell him you can't put sound effects on the blog, but he didn't seem to understand...
Phil was very serious about his design.  He originally thought he would have the scariest pumpkin by carving a graph of the stock market crashing, but then decided that a crazy face would come out better on a round surface.
Everyone hard at work...pretty intense!
Me with my finished creation.  Please note that while I didn't put as much thought into my design as Phil did, I should get credit for the rounded eyes, as well as being 8 months pregnant.  Yes, I'm playing the pregnant card here.
This worries me a little...
Are you scared???
The carvers with their pumpkins!
Grace packed hers into the car to take home with her, but Phil and I are proudly displaying ours in front of our house.  Phil's is an especially great sight to come home to.

I also tried a new recipe for dessert, which I got from my friend Susie.  It's so good and so easy that I need to put it up here.  I didn't take a picture, but I should have because it looks so yummy!  Pioneer Woman Apple Dumplings are dangerously delicious served with vanilla ice cream on the side!


Janelle Anderson said...

I love Halloween and carving pumpkins. We carved ours too early and I don't think they will make it til worries, we'll have to just make more!

Hope you are feeling well and baby is bumping around but not too much. Tell him to be nice to his mommy! :)

Nicole Svendsen said...

can you believe next year you will have a baby in a costume for Halloween?


Hey - either I got really behind or you went on a blogging spree - even more than me. Love all the posts. Really loving the action shots of Phil - I'm trying to do more of those and take more of those. Love the updates. Somehow I actually used up all my vacation (well will with London)for the year but I definitely want to get out to OH after the baby is born for a long weekend or something. Miss you lots!!!

Susie said...

We have both made the apple dumplings now and didn't make time to take pictures. See, they're so good, you have to gobble them down as soon as they come out of the oven! So glad you had a fabulous weekend of visiting :)