Sunday, November 30, 2008

Getting to know Adam

Adam is four days old today!  We came home from the hospital on Friday and had his check up yesterday and he is doing great!  Eating a lot and pooping a lot :)  I can't believe how much he has changed even in these early days.  Here are some photos.  I wish you all could meet him!

Passed out after a feeding.

Human pacifier!  This has been key for keeping him calm during diaper changes.  He hates being undressed and cold!
This is one of my favorites.  A little smiley face while sleeping.
Napping on Grandma Ann.
Having my mom here has been such a blessing!  Adam loves his Grandma!
This is the outfit that Adam wore to come home from the hospital.  It was made by my grandma and is the same outfit that my brother, sister, and I wore home from the hospital when we were born.  Adam wore it with pride.
Hanging out at the hospital.
Father and son.


Nicole Svendsen said...

congratulations on little adam. He is just precious and looks like phil i think!

Every Day Gourmet said...

He is so cute! I am so glad to hear that all is well. What a blessing Adam is to your family. Let us know if you need anything!

Janelle Anderson said...

He's beautiful! Congratulations and thank you so much for posting the photos. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything. We will miss you at book club this week but understand exactly what you are going through and experiencing...MAGIC...isn't it?!